our mission

To work for the cause and care of disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of life. We are integrating our programmes and services, and consciously moving from welfare towards development.

Make donations

Donations change lives Just one payment can change a life forever. We offer you the chance to make a faster impact in vulnerable human's lives.

Help & support

Helping others isn’t always easy.It can sometimes derail your schedule and cost you time,money and other resources.keep these tips in mind for some easy ways to show your connections that they truly matter to you.

our programs

At Anmol Zindagi Shelter, we believe we must first meet an individual’s basic needs for food and shelter. It is only after those needs are met and we give individuals the opportunity to help themselves in a supportive environment.

We fight together

We are humans

WE care about others

We are humans

Our Services

Massage is an effective method for promoting nutrient circulation toward weak muscles, a man give Massage to old man for his week bones.

Shaving is an important part of a man's life. Doing it right gives confidence and a pleasant scent, doing it wrong can leave a man looking like a fool. He doing shave of this old man.

Here we are serving food in our old age home’s residence.

In all busy public places like railway stations you will find them very old and destitute people begging or simply wandering around. Have you spared a thought as to how they survive?